Wednesday, December 23, 2015


The children are out of school for Christmas Vacation and thus I have been slowed in my writing due to the excessive commotion around this concrete sanctuary.   I do have four segments I am working on, but then again, too much activity tends to slow the process down dramatically.

It seems that Kanlaon Volcano continues to be bothersome.  The

Kanlaon Volcano taken at Binalbagan on 12-8-15

Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (Phivolcs) at mid-afternoon on Wednesday issued an initial Kanlaon Volcano "eruption notification" (click on the highlighted link for more information).  I am quite a ways from the actual volcano, but close enough to get ash if it really decides to put on a show.  Gee, if I am lucky or unlucky, I could have a white Christmas after all… would just be white ash though instead of snow.

Santiago had his twelfth birthday on December 21.   Until I came along, he was totally unaware that his birthday was also on the

Family & guests celebrating Santiago's 12th Birthday

Winter Solstice or shortest day of the year.  As expected, when I first brought up the term, I had to explain to the entire family as to what the day signified.  After the homemade pizza, cake, and gift (badminton set), we went out to the beach and watched the sun settle into the Sulu Sea.  Over the past year I had taken the kids out to the beach several times and every so often I

Setting sun and passing banca boat

would show them the position of the setting sun in the western sky. However, on his birthday it had reached its most southern point and I informed them that the sun would set further north each evening until June.  Another example of my adopted children not being aware of such phenomena.  However, I am discovering in my increasing years that quite a few

A father and daughter at beach watching sunset

people are not aware of many things related to our existence on this living planet.  

The Department of Public Works Highway (DPWH) is widening the

Crane lifting re-bar and moving it to side pile so more can be made

bridge on the south edge of our community.  For a few weeks now, they have been assembling poles made up entirely of re-bar.   I haven’t figured how they are going to be able to pour the cement around those metallic pylons in the salt water, but it should prove interesting.  It is just another project of widening the highway system on this side of the island.   The highway department is putting in two outer lanes beside the two main lanes.  I consider it a great improvement, however, what I am observing is that people living along the highway are then using those outer lanes as personal parking areas or a place to put their bamboo furniture for sale upon. 

The schools here had a “Parade of Lights” celebration a week ago

Parade of Lights - Himamaylan City, Negros Occidental 2015

and involved hundreds of students with different lit displays walking along the National Highway after dark with those colorful signs and torches.  Santiago was one of the multitude walking in the parade, but I found it extremely difficult finding him within the sea of flickering lights…and then there was the incessant flow of traffic on the highway as they walked their way toward

Parade of Lights - Himamaylan City, Negros Occidental 2015

the plaza.   In previous years I had placed myself at the plaza, but there were so many people congregating at that location anymore it became difficult to move around and almost impossible to find a good photo location, so this year I parked the trike further up the route and did not regret the decision.  

Last weekend we were playing Frisbee in front of the Municipal Building (as it is closed on weekends and provides a large area for throwing the disk), when it started raining.  I asked toy if he wanted to quit and he said no.  An older gentleman was sitting beneath the overhang of his motorbike business and informed us that it was raining.  I smiled and had Toy ask him if he had soap?   The shop owner didn’t seem to understand, but Toy did and we both chuckled at the thought of lathering up in the rain while playing our game. 

Christmas Carolers have been quite active this season at visiting my house in the compound.  It is a Philippines tradition that the young gather into groups and roam around the neighborhoods singing Christmas Songs.  While other neighbors may not answer their call, I

Carolers from the mountains - Dec. 19, 2011

have always had a few pesos to hand out to those youthful singers.  Yet, this year, the churches have come out en masse and of course they expect to receive a larger donation.  Interestingly, whereas the children who come to visit sing rather off key and rattle metal noisemakers, the churches bring guitarists and put on a pretty nice presentation.  It makes me reflect upon the many Christmas programs I attended at schools as well as churches over the many decades and how the early grades and preschoolers were quite undisciplined as well as pretty much off key.  Then again, as they advanced in the grades, their singing voices became better and more unified.  Something else of note as I think about it, this is the first year I have not seen any people from the mountain filtering into town to celebrate the season with caroling. Their colorful homemade instruments always seemed to bring a little festiveness to the occasion. 

To that end, I want to wish each and every one a Merry Christmas

Parade of Lights - Himamaylan City, Negros Occidental 2015

along with a prosperous as well as enjoyable New Year.   I am planning a Christmas blog entry as to how this family celebrates that special day with others of less means in our community. 

 Here is a little sunset behind the mountains to finish this installment.

Sun nestling behind Basilik Mountains

Daryl A. Cleveland a.k.a. Bounder
December 24, 2015

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed this very much. Always learning something new. Stay away from the volcano.
